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Save Time and Money With Our Rapid Entrepreneurship Development Programme

Cost-Effective | Sustainable | Fast

The Programme in a Nusthell

Rapid Entrepreneurship Development, made in Africa, for Africa, and proven in Africa. We designed a disruptive and human-centric approach to entrepreneurship and business acceleration around the needs of necessity-driven entities, enabling people to become micro-business owners in 5 weeks without external funding and financially sustain themselves.

The Big Challenges of Entrepreneurship Development

We address the main challenges in entrepreneurial development, making our programme fast, focused and finite.

It Takes Too Long

People are hungry now. The long startup processes used in developed countries do not apply in the African context, people need a quick solution.

It's Expensive

Opportunity based programmes can take a long time and require a lot of money to run while most businesses require funding, further increasing the cost and risk.

Low Output Volume

Due to cost, support structures, and time required, most programmes only develop a small number of entrepreneurs. However, in order to grow local economies fast, you need to develop new businesses at scale

We Successfully Solve These Challenges

We address the main challenges with Rapid Entrepreneurship Development. Our programme is fast, focused and finite.

Rapid Entrepreneurship Development in 5 weeks

☑️ Get people out of poverty faster, give them agency. We help people build businesses in 5 weeks that make enough money to financially sustain themselves. Now people can care for themselves and their families, giving them the room to breathe and build the business further.

Rapid Entrepreneurship Development means it costs less

☑️ Time is money. Apart from only being 5 weeks long, the businesses we create require little or no funding at all. It also requires fewer resources over a long period of time. All of these factors reduce overall programme costs.

We do Rapid Entrepreneurship Development at scale

☑️ We can develop 100’s and even 1,000’s of new entrepreneurs and businesses per month making it possible to meaningfully address the unemployment and economic development challenges Africa face.

Shifting Mindsets

Entrepreneurial Thinking and Action-Taking That’s Accessible to All

A unique and disruptive human-centric approach to entrepreneurship, innovation and value creation born from apprenticeship philosophy.

Campos et al. (2017) experimented with 1,500 microenterprise owners in Togo, testing the impact of personal initiative (mindset) training compared. Personal initiative (mindset) training improves business profits by 30% over the next two and a half years, significantly higher than the 11% increase from traditional training.

Campos F, M Frese, M Goldstein, L Iacovone, HC Johnson, D McKenzie and M Mensmann (2017), “Teaching personal initiative beats traditional training in boosting small business in West Africa”, Science, 357(6357): 1287-1290.

Programme Flow

The Rapid Entrepreneurship Development Programme focus on micro-businesses (10 or less employees) instead of SME (small medium enterprises) development for a few good reasons. SME’s take a long time to grow to a scale where it can employ meaningfully, remember, people are hungry now.

We develop new micro-businesses in 5 weeks or less.

Because we create businesses so quickly we uplift people out of poverty in weeks while families actively participate in the local economy. We see owning a business giving people agency over their future and income thus positively impacting social ills such as GBV etc.

Rapid Entrepreneurship Development in 5 weeks
Rapid Entrepreneurship Development means it costs less
We do Rapid Entrepreneurship Development at scale

Skills Improvement

Measured Before and After Training

We have a robust measurement and evaluation process in place, and these statistics are drawn from our past work.

Sales and marketing


Overall improvement during course


Customer research


Overall improvement during course

Product research


Overall improvement during course

Getting new customers


Overall improvement during course

How to track business numbers


Overall improvement during course

Managing money and saving


Overall improvement during course

What People Achieve On This Programme

Woman Entrepreneur | 4 Weeks Ago Only Had a Business Idea, Now 4 Times Her Monthly Salary

Mpho, a woman entrepreneur, is one of the latest beneficiaries to go through the Rapid Job Creation. In 4 weeks, she went from idea to financially sustainable. Her business gives her a job, a better future and the ability to look after herself, her loved ones and her family.

Women Entrepreneur | Had a Struggling Business Now Makes Consistent Profits and Growing

The programme even works with existing businesses. When Florentinah came into the programme, her business was struggling, barely getting by. Now she makes healthy profits weekly and employs 3 other women. All in just 4 weeks. She was part of our women entrepreneurship development initiative.

Where can you use this  Programme?

We do custom programmes as well

General Job Creation

Enabling people to become micro-business owners in 5 weeks or less and financially sustain themselves.

Turn Skills Development into Businesses

If you are helping people develop skills, let us help your recipients turn that skill into a business and financially sustain themselves.

Reduce Recidivism

When released from prison, it is difficult to find meaningful employment. Many turn to crime to make a living and end up in prison again.

We aim to keep people out of prison by helping them build a business upon in a matter of weeks and financially sustain themselves.

School and University Leavers

Many school leavers cannot afford a university education, let us help them become entrepreneurs.

University leavers have the knowledge, but there is little employment, let us help them turn that knowledge into a business.


Teach children from a young age how to build a business and generate income. Building future entrepreneurs.

Feeding Other Incubation Programmes

Our programme reduces cost, risk and time for other entrepreneurship development programmes by providing a steady stream of experienced entrepreneurs.


We work with shelters for abused people, helping them build businesses and financially find their feet. Let’s give them a future to look forward to.

Do you have a creative idea?

Do you have a creative idea of where you want to apply this programme and have more impact? Contact us today and let’s start talking.

Awards We Won

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